At Harbourside Presbyterian Church we are privileged to be able to support a number of missionaries in very different parts of the world:

John and Kay Rowse

John goes to East Africa twice each year for three months at a time. Kay and Asha are based back here in Australia. John’s main focus is the widespread ignorance of the gospel among East African pastors, including Presbyterians. He also works with police in a crime-prevention initiative to confront the culture of witch-hunting.


Jo lives in a small coastal city in the Middle East. She works at a community centre, teaching English and facilitating community in a small development business. She also leads a team of people who are learning language and culture with a view to serving in the region.

Jeff and Jo

Jeff and Jo have been serving in a remote village in Papua New Guinea, where they have shared the Truth and are discipling those who have responded.

J & S

Through many experiences, significant relationships and ministering in multicultural South-west Sydney, God has been preparing J&S to serve Muslim-majority areas in Central Asia, to honour God as they speak of and demonstrate his love shown to us in Jesus.

They will be working with local communities in health and agricultural development, sharing the hope they have in Jesus with those they live and work alongside of, and encouraging and discipling they very small and persecuted church.

O & A

Large numbers of people from all over the world are uprooting their lives and migrating to other countries, including Australia. Many migrants belong to unreached people groups where accessibility to the Gospel is significantly restricted. O & A rejoice that God has brought them to their neighbourhood!

They have embraced this unique opportunity on their doorstep to share God’s word with those who would otherwise never hear it and are actively seeking to introduce Jesus to the people and families God places in their local community in western Sydney.